Pillsbury Florist is a full-service, professional florist offering a fine selection. Our friendly staff is available to assist you with choosing that perfect gift! Same Day Local Delivery for orders by 1:00pm EST. Through the years, Pillsbury has helped customers transform their special occasions into extraordinary events. Let our design team put their extensive knowledge to use for you to create something spectacular!
Please note that if you are in need of funeral flowers, please leave a message on our answering machine. The answering machine is checked frequently.
Please note that if you are in need of funeral flowers, please leave a message on our answering machine. The answering machine is checked frequently.
Pillsbury Florist began business in the 1800's as Pillsbury Greenhouses, where the Pillsbury family serviced local demand for plants and flowers.
In the 1950's fresh flower services were added to the company's offerings.
Current owner Carol Rio purchased the business in 1983, and chose to concentrate on the florist side of the West Bridgewater business.
Since then, a second Pillsbury retail shop has been located in the neighboring town of East Bridgewater.
Pillsbury strives to provide personal service and innovative products throughout southeastern Massachusetts.
In the 1950's fresh flower services were added to the company's offerings.
Current owner Carol Rio purchased the business in 1983, and chose to concentrate on the florist side of the West Bridgewater business.
Since then, a second Pillsbury retail shop has been located in the neighboring town of East Bridgewater.
Pillsbury strives to provide personal service and innovative products throughout southeastern Massachusetts.
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